feijoa-pineapple-guavaHow to tell if a feijoa is dead?

The best way to determine if a feijoa plant is alive or dead is to gently scratch a small segment of bark off the trunk using a fingernail. If you can see green underneath the bark, the plant is alive.

Are feijoa plants self-fertile?

Although many varieties of feijoa are self-fertile, some are not and require a second cultivar to produce fruit. It is best to ask the store you bought the plant from for details of the plants fertility. If you are still unsure by this point it may be worthwhile buying a second breed just in case. Cross pollinating two varieties usually produces higher quality fruit and thus purchasing two cultivars is generally recommended.


How many days will a feijoa seed take to sprout?

In correct conditions, a feijoa seed will take around 2 weeks to sprout, but seed propagation is not recommended and will produce fruit untrue to the parent plant. Cuttings are the preferred propagating method.

How to grow a feijoa plant?

See main article for more info.

Why is my feijoa tree not fruiting?

Feijoas require pollination from flower to flower in order to produce fruit. If flowers are falling off the plant without producing fruit, there may be a lack of bees in the area and hand pollination may be required.

Can you grow a feijoa in a pot?

Feijoa plants can be grown quite successfully in pots although the size of the plant and fruiting yield will be significantly smaller as opposed to that of a plant grown directly in the ground. Large pots over 50 litres are recommended to produce a reasonable sized plant.


What Australian states can a feijoa plant be grown in?

All Australian states are suited to the growing of feijoa plants as they can easily tolerate extremes of cold and heat. There a few places on earth where they cannot be grown.

Can frost harm a feijoa plant?

Frost poses no risk to a feijoa unless temperatures of -8 degrees or less are reached which in most locations is highly unlikely.

What is the best fertilizer for a feijoa plant?

Feijoas benefit from complete fertilizers in summer and spring before fruit is produced. Organic fertilizers are recommended and cow manure, seaweed and fish based fertilizers have all proven successful.

How long will feijoa fruit keep before going bad?

Freshly harvested feijoas have a very limited keeping time, and diminish significantly in flavor and quality as each day passes. In most cases, the fruit will be barely edible within a few days of harvest, and should be consumed immediately.

How can you tell if a feijoa is ripe?

Other than those that fall from the tree by themselves, fruit that is ripe can be removed from the tree manually by gently moving them from side to side, ripe fruit will break away effortlessly. Many prefer to just wait for the fruit to fall by itself and collecting daily until the harvest is complete.

What is the best method to propagate a feijoa?

The best method of propagation is without a doubt from cutting. This is the easiest way to ensure that the new plant will be a genetic match to its parent plant guaranteeing quality fruit and a healthy plant.

How large can a feijoa tree grow to?

Feijoas can grow to be a bush or a tree, and height directly depends on this aspect. Trees can grow to a height of 7 metres tall but may not necessarily reach this height. Bushes will generally only grow to be around 3 metres tall or so.

How old does a feijoa plant need to be to produce fruit?

In general, feijoas will not produce fruit until they reach an age of at least 2 years old. The healthier a plant is, the quicker it will gain the ability to produce fruit.

How much water does a feijoa require?

Water requirements of different plants in different locations may differ, but most are sufficiently happy with a weekly watering in summer unless potted, in which case a daily watering is recommended.